Thursday, September 15, 2011

Cuckoo's Nest!

  So this one was recommended to me by escapist: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. It's one of those classic books/movies that I've heard a lot about but never read/watched. For the sake of time I opted for the motion-picture version, although I'm sure it's not as good as print.
  I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised by the movie. I had no idea what the story was about going into this, so I didn't know what to expect. Generally movies like this with no real point or goal in the plot tend to bore me, but I thoroughly enjoyed this one! The characters were both interesting (they're crazy, after all) and well-played (Jack Nicholson and Danny DeVito, for cryin' out loud). My favorite character was easily Mr. Cheswick, played by Sydney Lassick. He was basically just a supporting role, but somehow he really catered to my sense of humor.
  All-in-all, this was a great movie. Memorable characters, a great mix of funny/serious/sad scenes, and just an overall natural feel, if you know what I mean. Nothing felt very forced. Thanks again to escapist for the suggestion!


  1. Just letting you know I've followed you.

    Follow back? Thanks!

  2. Saw this movie a long time ago, and it still remains a favorite.

  3. I have to admit that Cuckoos kinda dissapointed me, but thats only cause I thought it would be a tad bit easier/badass film, not this slow but interesting feature. Nice read! +followed

  4. I actually really liked this one even though Jack Nicholson usually doesn't work for me.

  5. Brings back good memories. Great movie! +Followed

  6. I've yet to see it but plan too, thanks for pulling it from the back of my mind!

  7. wonderful movie, i love jack nicholson in this role, he is just fantastic.
    also awesome how this film manages to polarise people

  8. i've never seen this before but i will be sure to check it out

  9. good movie. if you are looking for books to read, check "where the red fern grows". that book will let you know if you have a soul.
