Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Here's a quick thanks to those of you who have followed this blog and commented for me: Thanks! If there's any movie/book/music/etc that you'd like me to check out, leave a comment here.


  1. Well I just followed you now, but I'll still accept the thank you.

  2. How about 'One flew over the cuckoo's nest' the book; or the movie :D I just wanted to hear someone else's opinion on the book because I started to read it twice and abandoned it, and eventually watched the movie, which, in my opinion, was very good.

  3. I would love to hear someone else opinion about "Tomorrow when the war began" By John Marsden.
    The book, rather then the movie. I hope you'll check it out!

    Keep up the good work!

  4. escapist, I'll definitely check that out! It's one of those classics that I've never looked into. I'll probably start with the movie since that's so much quicker.
    I've never heard of that Marsden book, weqtax. Sounds like it's worth a look!

  5. Steinbeck? Winter of Our Discontent. I like your blog.

  6. Clockwork orange was also great.
    either way, more posts would be nice.

  7. following now looking forward to new stuff!
